Monday, July 6, 2009

Why do we need SHTTP

Why do we need SHTTP

Explanation given by Mr, Sitangshu on his earlier comment

Sitanshu said...

I posted a comment on yet another secured protocol called SHTTP as opposed to HTTPS (The more widely known secure protocol). However I failed to mention why SHTTP? when we already have HTTPS...

The answer is not that simple. You have to be an Architect to appreciate this. Still I think - I may have a way to explain this.

Please remember that the Internet Bandwidth (total spectrum) is limited. So even if we need added services such as "Secured Transmissions", we must try our best to minimize the use of that bandwidth. SHTTP allows you to just secure what should be secured rather than the entire transmission. In a banking transaction you have thousands of messages (Client Name, Address, Sex, Account Number, Father's name, Account Start Date, Starting Balance, Ending Balance, Credit Card number, etc.etc.)...
Why do I need to secure all this information. Just securing the "Credit card number" is enough. I do not even need to secure my "Bank Account Number". So what if someone knows my "Bank Account Number". SHTTP will make sure that I secure just the "Credit Card Number", whereas HTTPS will secure everything...Too much is wasted securing everything...

That is where SHTTP is handy. Secure what you need, not the entire transmission...

Hope I made my point...

Will give a few real examples in my next post.

Warm Regards,

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