My Dear Friends,
I have already discussed about details of wifi except one part and I think now you are thinking that what is that part. I will tell you that later. But now I am going to tell you what is the latest threat to the netizens related to the forthcoming world cup i.e: FIFA WOrld Cup 2010.
Not only me most of the invabitants of the earth are mad about FIFA WORLD CUP as Maradona, Messi, Kaka, Drogba, Roonie, Robinho many many players will show their skill in this world football championship and most of us will try to enjoy this game through television direct telecast or reach to South Africa to see the games directly by sitting in the gallery and their are 6 official partners and Visa is one of them.
Cybercriminals and phishers are using this sentiments of football lovers. Now definitely a question has come in your mind that what are they doing with these? So I will tell you now what are they doing with these. The cyber criminals and phishers are using malwares with the attachments in the form of tickets and lottery winning mails in the name of Visa and so on. They are also sending you the world cup playing charts of different teams with an attachment and when you open it a malware will be installed in your computer and your computer will be used as zombie by the cyber criminals. For knowing about zombie you are requested to read my previous postings. Not only that the phishers will take your money in their previous style.
Here are two pictures for you, enlarge it. So be cautious. Don't open any unknown mail about FIFA world Cup 2010 and don't download any attachment from this mail as this includes zero day vulnarability, which will not be traced by any antivirus.
Thanking You
Urproblemmysolution Team
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