Saturday, August 8, 2009

How to understand your email id is spoofed

How to understand your email id is spoofed

Dear Friends,

We would request you to read it carefully as here you will find a point about a link on point no (2) and through that we have tried to tell you how to understand a dangerous link which is vulnarable to your computer as now a day the cyber criminals are not directly sending viruses due to strong antivirus programs but they are using links(url) to trap the netizens and spreading viruses and for that we would request you to read it be cautious.

Spoofed Email – Spoofing refers to email that appears to have been sent from someone other than the real sender. Virus writers and individuals who send junk email or "spam", typically want the email to appear to be from an email address that is not their own. Thus, the email cannot be traced back to the originator.

It is often impossible to know if you have received a spoof however to the careful observer there are several clues that help to separate a spoof from a legitimate communication.

Typically, you will know that your email has been spoofed if:

1) An email is from a commercial entity and the message requests that you provide your log in ID or your account will be suspended it is likely a spoofed email. Reputable commercial entities regularly contact their customers by email but they don't ask for log in ID because they already have it.

2) By highlighting links within the suspect email with the mouse cursor and to then looking at the status line at the bottom left of the screen. If the URL in the status line and the link your mouse is highlighting do not match up a spoofer is likely at work. Note that because JavaScript can be used to change the status line this method is not fool proof. Overall, this is a good technique because a lot of spoofers do not bother to use the JavaScript to change the status line.

3) You receive an email with a text file indicates a virus had been detected and removed/replaced

4) You receive a reply to an email from someone you never sent a message to

5) You receive an error message from a system administrator that you sent an infected file or that your message could not be sent to a particular user

6) You receive an email with a blank message.

With Thanks

Urproblemmysolution team

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